Being a Primitive mode server, the features are greatly scaled back from our Procgen PVE server.
- Biweekly wipes: We wipe on the first and third Thursdays of the month. BP’s wipe on the first Thursday.
- East Coast US location: The dedicated server is hosted by Low.MS in their Ashburn, VA data center.
- Raid Bases: You’ll only find loot that will spawn/is craftable in Prim mode. The NPC’s at the bases are armed only with Prim weapons.
- Events: Events are customized to comply with the Prim mode rules of loot and loadouts.
- Zombies: The zombies on PrimRust are different from the ones on the Procgen server. They have been configured from the ground up with a unique look.
- Server Rewards: Earn Eco coins for killing the zombies and spend it in the in-game shop.
- Craft menu: Craft items not normally craftable, but again, limited to Prim mode items!
- Starting kits: Claim a new player kit and a build kit once per wipe.